I have always wanted my own room, I share a room with three sisters and its get cramped in there,I share a bed with one of my sisters.When we move I will get my own room, or I will share a room with one of my sisters, that's good enough.I really need my own room too,I am almost ten and so I have a lot of stuff.clothes,games,toys,books, a lot of stuff.I keep my side of the room clean but my sister does not have a clean side.I am exited to move we will get a dog,a farm and my own room (maybe).Here is a picture of a room that I like.
I love this room I love the colors and the bed and the desk I love the hanger and the big closet and the shelves and the rugs. I have lots of plans for my own room for the walls I have three ideas first red all over then yellow green and blue polka dots second idea is horses running in the snow third idea is raven claw common room ( its from harry potter, I am a big fan of it) I have always wanted my own room.