Monday, November 12, 2012

Singing In The Snow

Well, I haven't written in about three days even though I said I would try to write every day. Oh well, at least it isn't five months.
It's snowing a lot right now. The last time I posted, I talked about it. The girls played out there for a really long time, but I only went out once; to shovel the driveway.
I didn't want to. Of course I didn't. It was cold, and I didn't want to put on all of those snow clothes. But I did.
I brought my mp3 player, and then I started shoveling the snow. I was listening to Queen of course. I was listening to 'We Are The Champions' and singing at the top of my lungs. It was fun. Because no one told me to shut up. (No, my family doesn't tell me shut up but they say be quiet. Same thing right?)
I had finished shoveling in like twenty minutes but I still pushed the shovel down the driveway.
About forty minutes later, my sister came out in her snow clothes and singing too, and then the next one came out and we all started singing.
So then the girls went and played in the snow and I went inside after my throat started hurting and I started coughing.
Apparently I had been out for two hours. I had been singing for two hours straight.
It was fun though. I think I'll do again tonight.

Friday, November 9, 2012

Stuff On My Mind

Well, I guess I'll just write what I'm thinking about today. I'm making a goal to write a blog post every day,  because I like writing, and I made this blog for a reason! To. . . blog.

You know what would be cool to have? A time machine. You could go back to when your parents were kids! (A long, long time a go.)
Mostly I think it'd be cool to go the 70's and 80's. No, not only because that's when Queen was around. But they had Jukeboxes and cool cars and stuff! And weird clothes and hair.

My mom and dad showed the kids an old show they used to watch called The Brady Bunch. It's pretty good, and I like it a lot. And I didn't actually know it was a real show. I had seen 'Bob' crying about it or something in What About Bob. (I don't know if your supposed to put shows/movies in italics but whatever.)

Well, it snowed today. My mom is going to blog about it of course. Look at where we live!
She says that a lot. And I know  where we live. I haven't been playing outside yet because the dog might push me down in the snow, take my gloves, chew them up, then he'd come and kill me and I'd die. Okay, I'm over exaggerating.

It feels a bit like Christmas. It's weird. It's snowing, we had cocoa, I'm wearing warm clothes, I slept in- Oh wait, I always do that.

Okay I think that's good.
Oh, here's an awesome Queen picture I found.
Brian May. My favorite dude in Queen.

Thursday, November 8, 2012


Well, nice going Mom. You turned me into a Grammar freak.

 I sort of get annoyed when I see someone hasn't capitalized their I or the first letter of a beginning of a sentence, or if they use the wrong where/were/wear, or if they- well, you know what I mean. I guess.

It happens in Newspapers sometimes, on blogs, and on Facebook. No I don't have Facebook, but I like to watch over my mom's shoulder when she is.

Another thing that annoys me with grammar is words like this: were r u? Or: lol ikr? WHAT THE HECK!?!?!
If I was eighteen I would have said the real thing up there, but I can't because my mom reads my blog. Hee hee.

Well, I just wanted to say that. Oh and remember that grammar is spelled G-R-A-M-M-A-R not G-R-A-M-M-E-R. Thank you.
Also please notice I capitalized the G in Grammar in the title.
Okay I'm done.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

I'm Back

Well, I know I haven't written in a really long time, but I sort of want to write something.

I'm in love with Queen right now. You know, that really awesome band. It's all I listen to at the time. Yes, I'm still in love with Harry Potter, but Queen is another 'thing' right now.

Last night the family (Well, Mom, Dad and I) were all on computers refreshing the page over and over again hoping that Romney (I don't know if that's disrespectful for me to call a grown up guy by his last name, but I've been doing it for a while) would get more points or whatever. It was fun (for me). Until, Obama won California.
So we let Dad watch the old Animated Star Trek thing.

I started the second Inkheart book Inkspell. My mom said something like Inkheart is a bookworm book. Something like that I guess.
But it is really awesome. It's a book about books, and I love books.

I took a typing test again and I got 59 again. But, my aunt (One of them), got over 100. She said it was because of all that school on the computer. Sure I guess, but my mom writes like ten blogs a day and she got 79.

We had left over pizza for breakfast, but I thought that was gross so I had normal breakfast. You know, like toast and that microwave oatmeal stuff.

I'm starting Christmas music in piano now. It's fun, but I hope we don't get jinxed and get sick again on Christmas for starting to early.

Hey, I think this is the longest blog post I've ever written! I guess stuff happens during like five months.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

A Newish Room!

A while ago, I went camping with my grandparents and cousin for five days. I was picked up by my mom, and we drove home. I went into my room to empty my bag and say that I'll put it all away later but never do it put my bag in there, but something wasn't right in there. All my Harry Potter posters were gone, the mess was gone, my blankets, and other possessions. I walked back out and went into my sisters room. That's where all my things were. (No mess though. Not that I'm complaining.) I found out, that I would be sharing with my sister (you know, the other one.) in the bigger room. May not seem like such a big deal, but my old room had no door, it was small, and actually it is a dining room. It wasn't all that bad, but sleeping in the room with a door, will be very nice.

Friday, June 29, 2012

My Amazingly Awesome Cousin

My cousins are all awesome, but she is really awesome.
Notice That I Am Wearing My Harry Potter Clothes

She is twenty-one (It could be twenty-two but honestly I can't remember)  right now, and has been living in Hawaii, since she was about eighteen for college. But she got married when she was nineteen, and we got to go see her. But that was three years ago! She has finally come to visit for about three weeks. She's not staying at our house but, at least we can go visit her, every three or four days now! 

She's so cool, nice, funny, you know, all that awesome stuff. Oh, and she smells really good! (Really, Really, good.) She still acts like an awesome cousin, instead of a mature-doesn't- play-anymore kind of person (I'm not saying she's not mature!) 

And the best part is, she likes Harry Potter, Lord Of The Rings, and stuff too! 

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Harry Potter

I didn't really care about the books, but my brother loved them. Once he told me he would pay me four dollars of I read them. Well that sounded awesome so I started reading them when I was about eight. I LOVED them. I was reading it constantly.

I finished all the books before I turned eleven, in January. I was so sad when I didn't get my letter, to Hogwarts, (But I kinda knew I wouldn't get it).
I got a long scar on my face from the hawthorns- I mean Voldemort.

 My favorite book was the fifth.
My favorite characters are,

Luna Lovegood. (And I am Luna at the moment.)

Neville Longbottom. (Kind of a dork, but in a good way.)

Fred and George Weasley. (They never get mad.)
Molly Weasley. (Kind, but very firm. And pretty awesome.)
And Professor Mcgonagall and Dumbledore.

They are pretty awesome.

The people that I hate the most. (If you have read or seen them you will know why)

Dolores Umbridge. (Ugh! Wear a different color for once!)

Bellatrix Lestrange. (Do I have to say anything?)

And Voldemort. (Evil.)
Those guys give me the creeps.

I finished the whole series twice and I am reading them again.
I have my Hogwarts outfit, my wand, and pet. I have posters, and pictures I have drawn of magic, all over my room. I know almost every spell, potion, and magical plant.
I have joined two online Harry Potter websites that I play every day.
I am a bit obsessed with all this.

Oh yes... and my brother still hasn't paid me.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Spring (Almost)

Today we are preparing for spring (Cleaning up all the garbage in the yard, Scooping up dog... stuff). I am SO glad spring is almost here, I am so sick of snow, rain, and slush. We have been sitting on heaters and wrapped in blankets all winter, so i'm glad we're going outside all day. I know what your thinking, Why am I on the computer? Well... I gotta go.