Well, nice going Mom. You turned me into a Grammar freak.
I sort of get annoyed when I see someone hasn't capitalized their I or the first letter of a beginning of a sentence, or if they use the wrong where/were/wear, or if they- well, you know what I mean. I guess.
It happens in Newspapers sometimes, on blogs, and on Facebook. No I don't have Facebook, but I like to watch over my mom's shoulder when she is.
Another thing that annoys me with grammar is words like this: were r u? Or: lol ikr? WHAT THE HECK!?!?!
If I was eighteen I would have said the real thing up there, but I can't because my mom reads my blog. Hee hee.
Well, I just wanted to say that. Oh and remember that grammar is spelled G-R-A-M-M-A-R not G-R-A-M-M-E-R. Thank you.
Also please notice I capitalized the G in Grammar in the title.
Okay I'm done.
ahahahahahaha! I love you. :)